Whats the source for pokemon roms on cydia 2011

Whats the source for pokemon roms on cydia 2011
Whats the source for pokemon roms on cydia 2011
Get Pokemon On iPhone Pokemon On CydiaHow to get GBA Roms for gpsphone with *No.
Twitter : http://twitter.com/#!/iH4ck5 to get the gpsphone cracked and the bios add the source ( http://cydia.xsellize.com/ ) Extra Tags:this month 2011
How to get Pokémon (or any GBA game) on.
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EDIT: THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH GBC GAMES OR ON THE FIRST GENERATION iPOD TOUCH. To play a GBC game, watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wozErQ Megashares - Drag. Drop. Yup. The first. Forbidden - Free Web Hosting Area - PHP. .